What's cooking?  
Well, in my studio over the last few months I have made a lot of tasty recipes and hope to share them all over time.

Mom's Cinnamon Rolls were almost ready to go into the oven.  I started making these at 6:30 p.m. and wasn't finished until just before midnight.  So I guess I misjudged the time a little, but after the birds went to sleep it was ever so quiet.  What can I say I love to bake and create food from scratch.
They were so good!
I froze some, fed the neighbor, and of course we ate them too!  But I thought I should add that we don't just eat Cinnamon Rolls for breakfast, lunch, and dessert.  We eat healthy cereals...
Notice the frown on the little Reefster.  I'm pretty sure he would rather be eating Mom's Cinnamon Rolls.
Recipe to be posted later.


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