Friday Night Franks

I should say with life rushing past me I did NOT want to forget this post.  Since our current schedules now allow us; my man and me have started having Friday night family night with our boys.  In hopes that all the hustle and bustle of the chaotic work/school week will be calmed by a night of fun and togetherness.  I highly recommend dedicating a night once a week to just you and yours without too many interruptions...
So again please forgive me... this post is way out of sequence with real life, but I just had to put it on anyways.
Here is proof we were all together and the perma smile is because we had so many retakes... poor Reef kept getting his head cut off, but this is as good as it gets.  Oh, and we only have two biological children, but the neighbor boy is working his way into my heart little by little. He seems to appear on the door step just at the right time and Lucas is wild happy that he gets to join us.  I'm quite sure he'll be bringing me adoption papers any day now.
This is where it begins and it is near perfect outside... the sun is going to set, the sky is open, and later the stars will twinkle.  To get here you drive for a few miles down gravel and it reminds me of my childhood.  My gammie had a gravel driveway that we used to ride big wheels down at lightning speed... 

Once you walk inside there are picnic tables, fire pits, food, and singing!  The boys played horse shoes, tag, ate franks, and roasted marshmallows!  My favorite thing was that it's all the perks of camping, but without all the work!  You get the luxury of coming home to sleep in your own bed and that is true luxury these days.

Beware:  When giving two boys pokers, a fire pit, and a dose of pure sugar... code word s'mores that all bets are off!
Reef played peek a boo, danced to the music, and was all smiles!  What a relaxing time it was...

Now I will introduce you to the wonderful Stephanie Kniffin pictured above.  She is a singer songwriter, and guitar playing performer.  It is amazing to me how she/people can get up in front of others and sing like birds.  I love music!  I love how it can move me to my near core, give me chicken skin, and take me so far back to places in time.  Thank you to all of those out there who brave the stage and do it with such grace and elegance... consider it a gift from God!

Here is her cd titled "little things" which I'm sure she would happily mail out to anyone who may be interested in ordering.  She has a soothing sound and can play a rugged guitar so if your interested please check out her website listed above.

The folks that work there wear all the cowboy gear which I really liked.  I'm just sorry I didn't wear my Tony Lamas, but I'll save them for shopping at Costco... I'm what you might call an urban cowgirl with big dreams of being discovered by the Pro-Rodeo Circuit... you never know, but more likely I will be a sailor.  ~As a side note Brad has been looking at boats again and remember... we live in the desert!
On our way home we howled at the moon and laughed our heads off!  Just trying to burn off the confectioners sugar high.

I think you can appreciate silence a little better after a drive home with some rowdy boys or at least one.  Lucas is off the wall and Lord help me with him.  I sincerely covet your prayers.
Though may we all be reminded today that it is not only alright to be different, but fantastic!
...I am sooo off to bed now... I woke up at 0500 a.m. and I need my sleep.


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