Happy St. Patrick's Day

Last Saturday we celebrated St. Patrick's Day with the entire town at the park.  I saved this post for the actual day and today is it... so don't forget to wear green or you may just get pinched.
We heard the pipers play and they were really a good group.  They even did one that sounded just like Amazing Grace which is one of my most favorite hymns of all times.  I know the first and last verse by heart and have sung my boys to sleep with it many times.  So I was so excited to hear it for the first time in my life by bag pipe...
I thought the tattoo went well with the pleated kilt and knee socks... so I got as close as one could without looking too ridiculous.  But to document life through the lens one must be a shameless photographer and I have learned this from my dad who should really open a gallery with all of his life's work...
The fountain is turned green twice (noon and five), but unfortunately I missed it... I guess I was preoccupied with all the people we ran into and maybe today I can get a picture when they'll do it again.
Brad and his sister Tia got a good hug in!
It ended up being a really nice day full of family & friends, music, and fun.  The kids came home exhausted which made for a goodnights sleep.  Yeah for us!


And everyone was filled with happy smiles.  ~Please ignore the restrooms in the back and try to focus on the little boy in green.~  Happy St. Paddy's Day to y'all!

Stay tuned I will be posting a recipe soon and it will be simple ~I hope~, but a tasty one.  I will give you a hint.  It is green and I picked them up at the farmers market yesterday.


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