No greater job & with an eternal paycheck!

A wise person once said, "the best inheritance parents can give their children is their time each day."
Relationships are more important than anything this world has to offer me.  It is the snippets in life that we share that really matter the most.  Haircuts on the patio, playing with all of our toys in the living room, and all the day to day life things that WE do TOGETHER.

As we live life, somedays don't go as we may have planned, but we try to end up with smiles on our faces.
Who would want to miss this sunshiny moment...

The following is the account of my day... thus far.

So the alarm goes off at 5 a.m. and no matter how much sleep I get it doesn't seem like enough.   I start the coffee and in a short while the transformation is completed.  I have gone from feathers to...  I don't know something a little more people friendly.  Off to work I go and not without changing the Reefster who happened to soak through his diaper and onto his sheets.... and  those sheets need to be changed before the sitter lays him down for a nap... so I sing to the radio and drink my coffee as I fly down the boulevard.  I clock in just in the nick of time and quickly examine my job and the duties that lie ahead.  After finally making it to my desk I get a phone call that Lucas isn't feeling well.  He wants to stay home from school because he feels like he's going to "throw up".  Are you kidding me is what I think!  Not sure if he just doesn't want to attend school or is he REALLY sick.  I talk to him and tell him he needs to get ready to go.  I attend an impromptu meeting with my manager and when I get back to my desk the phone is buzzing.  "Lucas is throwing up and he is asking for you to come home" are the words that come from my sitter.  I'm thinking oh no, last Monday I had to call out and now this... I call Brad and he reminds me that the children come first and that I need to go home.  I drive like a mad woman, get home to find Lucas on his bead with barf bucket in hand and Reef playing.  The babysitter makes like a bandit leaving her coat behind and I don't blame her.   I spend the next few minutes disinfecting the place and serving up Sprite to the Lucas Pooh.  Just as the cleaning frenzy comes to an end I hear "mom what's for lunch"... several hours later Lucas can't get enough to eat and feels "normal".  Amazing how God can make the little things or so they may seem so big and important.  Being home with my two boys on a sunny day is the BEST!  
The most stunning thing to me is that when I was leaving I checked off just one more thing on my list and quickly met with a coworker... I spouted out a rhetorical question "how much more flexible can they be with me" to which she said "maybe someone of a higher power has a different plan for you" implying quitting and working for my kids at home.  Interesting that she would say that to me, because moments later I would experience feelings of failure and defeat as I left work early and things unfinished.  It is not surprising though that the enemy attacks us, but it is how we fight back that is the most important.  I prayed on my way home for direction and understanding of what to do.  And by the time I was home and in my comfy clothes tending to my little ones I felt like this was right where I needed to be!


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