Boys and Books

Wash me!

This dirty toaster and meat thermometer tell a funny story.  I was doing dishes not long ago when I discovered the meat thermometer in the kitchen sink.  Interesting I thought since I hadn't used it in a very long time.  Then I asked aloud "who used the meat thermometer"?  "Brad did you use it"?  to which he replied "no".  Then Lucas piped in and said that he had placed it in the toaster to see how hot it could get.  He also said that he held it the entire time {I'm still not so sure of that as he claims he felt no shock}.  All I know is that he was unloading the dishwasher and got a little side tracked with his science experiment.  He now knows not to put anything, but bread in the toaster.  Ha ha you gotta love it though.
And this is my stack of books that I hope to eventually finish.  I want to read everything and I just can't seem to find the quiet time that is necessary for this past time.  I didn't even add all my magazines or newspaper articles that I have yet to read.  My mom and dad have sent me so many good articles over the years, but my favorites are about the couples who have been married for 50 or even 75 years.  I absolutely love to read about their life stories of how they made it through the hard times and how many kids they had.  I save them for when I need a little inspiration or encouragement, because they usually have some fun humor as well.  They are a truly priceless to me.
So off to read!


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