Golden Birthday!!!

Wow!  Lucas turned 8 today {well actually back on September 8th, but I'm a little behind} and from the look on his face he can hardly believe it too.  We celebrated by cosmic bowling at the local alley and I must say it was a lot of fun.
Even Reef was able to knock down a few pins...
with daddy's help that is.
Chocolate on chocolate with Oreo cookies and sprinkles were on the menu.
Lucas smiled big and enjoyed being with his friends and family.  I cannot even believe just how fast this year has gone that is number 7.  Now we are onto new adventures together.  Just to recap the year he lost a lot of teeth, finished 1st grade and began 2nd.  His dad started nursing school and his little brother turned 2.  Lucas received his first ever BB gun and went on a father and son camping trip.
May this year be as fun, exciting, and filled with energy as you are Lucas Pookas!
Love you,
Mom xoxo


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